Maharashtra CET Cell has released the NEET UG 2020 Counselling provisional merit list today, November 13. All the candidates who have applied to appear for the Maharashtra NEET UG Counselling for admissions to MBBS and BDS degrees can check the merit list on the official website,

The merit list is provisional in nature and the document verification process will be conducted at the admitting college. The list of candidates who have registered to appear for the counselling has also been released. More than 50,000 candidates have registered and more than 41,000 have been placed on the merit list.


Here is the list of the Maharashtra NEET UG Merit List.

Here is the list of candidates who have registered to take part in the counselling.

The process of registration for the Maharashtra NEET Counselling ended yesterday and today is the last day for Online Preference (Choices) Filling Process for MBBS / BDS courses. The whole process can be done on the official NEET UG Counselling website. The remaining counselling schedule will be released soon.

Maharashtra NEET UG counselling is conducted based on the NEET UG 2020 examination which was conducted on September 23 and the result for the exam was released on October 17. The top positions in the merit list were grabbed by Soyeb Aftab from Odisha and Akanksha Singh from Delhi with 720 marks each.