TSCHE has released the new counselling schedule for the final phase of TS EAMCET 2020 and the slot booking and option entry for the phase is underway. The candidates who want to participate in the final phase of counselling can pay the processing fees and book their slots for their final round on the official website, tseamcet.nic.in.

The Online filing of Basic Information, Payment of Processing Fee & Slot Booking for selection of Help Line Centre, Date &Time to attend for Certificate Verification can be done today. The verification of certificate can also be done today; however, the link to exercise option has been activated and needs to be done by November 2.


Here is the direct link to access the TS EAMCET 2020 final counselling round schedule.

Here is the direct link to register to take part in the TS EAMCET counselling.

The allotment result for the final phase of counselling will be released on November 4, and payment of tuition fees and self-reporting needs to be done on or before November 7. The self-reporting process can be done through the official website itself this year.

For the seats which remain vacant, a spot admission process will be conducted. The details of the spot admission round of counselling will be released on November 5, 2020.


The EAMCET exam is conducted for admissions to various professional courses offered on Engineering, Agriculture, and Medical (Pharmacy, Veterinary etc.) courses provided in the state of Telangana. This year the exam had to be postponed multiple times due to the COVID-19 situation.

The result for the TS EAMCET was declared on October 6. Around 75% of candidates had cleared the exam and Sai Teja bagged the first position followed by Yeshwant Sai and Venkata Krishna in the second and third positions, respectively,