Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released 2021 12th board examination dummy admit card for all the students on its official website, reports Times of India. All the students can download the admit card from the official website,

The students should go through the dummy admit card for all the personal details and see if there is any need for corrections. Students are suggested to approach their school principal for any correction request, adds the report.

Here is the direct link to download the BSEB 12th dummy admit card.


BSEB had released the 10th and 12th board examination timetable on October 8. Both the exams will be conducted in the month of February 2021. The 12th class will be conducted from February 2 to February 13 and the 10th class exam will be conducted from February 17 to February 24. The exams will have two shifts each day.

The exams will be of 3-hour duration and an additional 15 minutes cool-off time will be provided for students to analyse and plan on how to write answers. Students are not supposed to write anything during these 15 minutes. The practical exams for class 12th will be conducted from January 9 to January 18.