Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) has released its BTech Admission results on its official website. All the students who had applied to participate in the counselling can check the result on the official website,

This year the admission process is being conducted based on 12th marks. The Institute had to cancel its entrance exam due to the COVID-19 situation. Now, that the result has been declared, the counselling process will begin soon, details of which will be released in the near future.


Here is the direct link to check the VIT admission result.

The counselling process this year will be done online so that students do not need to travel amid COVID-19 pandemic. The institute has four campuses in India; one in Vellore, one in Chennai, one in Bhopal, and one in Andhra Pradesh.

The institute offers multiple courses on Engineering in multiple streams along with B.Des Industrial Design course. Generally, the admission process is conducted via VITEEE exam but this the exam was cancelled due to the COVID-19 lockdown and pandemic.

Candidates are suggested to keep checking the official website regularly where counselling details will be updated in the near future.