National Board of Examination (NBE) will start accepting applications for the NEET SS 2020 examination from today, August 3. The application process will be conducted on the official website, and

The brief bulletin for the NEET SS 2020 exam was released on August 2. The exam is conducted as the single entrance examination for admission to various DM/MCh courses as per the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Act, 2016) for admissions to its DNB Superspecialty courses.


The examination is set to be conducted on September 15 and the result will be declared before September 25. The last day to apply to participate in the exam is August 23.

The bulletin suggests candidates to refer to the information bulletin that will be released today for further information regarding the exam on eligibility criteria, fee structure, scheme of examination and other details on the official website,

The brief information bulletin can be accessed on this direct link.