Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the CRP-SPL IX Clerk Main examination result today, May 20, 2020. Along with the result, combined Interview and Main exam results for the recruitment of PO/MT and SO have also bee released at the official website,

The result and scores were expected to be released in the month of April but were delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant lockdown. Now candidates can access the scores and details at the official website.


Here is the direct link to access the Clerk Main exam result.

Here is the direct link to access the combined Main and Interview result for PO/MT

Here is the direct link to access the combined Main and Interview result for Specialist Officer (SO)

The result will be available on the official website until June 30th. Candidates are requested to check the result before the date after which the link to check the result will be deactivated.

How to check the IBPS CRP-SPL IX result

  1. Visit the IBPS official website.
  2. Click on the link to check the result by clicking on the relevant link running as a ticker on top of the website.
  3. Click on the link to check the result.
  4. Enter the log-in details and submit.
  5. The result will appear after logging in.