Addressing the criticisms and opposition to Delhi University’s plan to conduct open book exam, the university on Monday clarified that the open book exam plan does not mean the exam will be online, according to NDTV. The form of examination would require minimal internet and most of the exam process can be done offline.

The university on May 14 had announced its plan to conduct an open book, take-home exams for students in regular colleges, the School of Open Learning (SOL) and the Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board (NCWEB).


The university today clarified any smart phone would serve the purpose of downloading the question paper and minimal internet will be required to do so. Students will get two hours to complete the exam and upload the answer sheet.

DU has been facing criticisms and protests regarding its plan to conduct exams online. NDTV reports students’ and teachers’ bodies have questioned the feasibility of online exams with poor internet connectivity and lack of internet access for those from economically weaker sections.

NDTV in another report informed that university also issued guidelines for the open book exam on Monday. The report says the question paper will be based on the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). The university will take all necessary care while preparing the question papers for the disabled students.

The exam will be of two hours’ duration for both UG and PG courses. Students will have to attempt four out of a total of six questions. The question paper will be of 75 marks for all students except those studying in School of Open Learning (SOL) and Non-Collegiate Women Education Board (NCWEB), added the report.