Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) has decided to hold the 10th and 12th class board exams only for crucial subjects this year, according to NDTV. This is following the steps of CBSE board which had decided on such a move for the remaining subjects last week.

The board had scheduled to conduct the board exams for both the classes this year from March 20th to April 11th; however, to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the exams were postponed.

The exact date of the board exams will be revealed at a future date. The board will assess the situation 10 days after the lockdown is over. Until then, the board has requested students and parents to not believe in any rumours.


The board has decided to conduct this year’s board exams for the following subjects:

For 10th Class: First Language Special - Hindi, English, Sanskrit, or Urdu, and Second and Third Language (General) - Hindi.

For 12th Class and Vocational Studies: Biology, Higher Mathematics, Chemistry, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Book-keeping and Accountancy, Business Economics, Crop Production and Horticulture, Animal Husbandry Milk Trade, Poultry Farming and Fishery, Still Life and Design, History of Indian Art, Anatomy Physiology and Heath, Elements of Science, and Vocational Course (Paper One, Two, and Three).