Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) has warned parents and students of fake notices about the ICSE/ISE 2020 exam details that have been floating over the past week. CISCE said that it has neither set any new exam schedule or has decided to cancel the exam altogether.

The council has taken account of four fake notices that have been making rounds. One notice claims that the Council has decided to cancel all the remaining exams for ICSE/ISE 2020 exams, whereas another notice says that the exams are now scheduled to be conducted from April 6th to April 22nd.


A third notice states that the Council has decided to declare the result based on the subjects that have already been conducted. The Council has said that it has not taken any decision yet on the future course of action and have advised the parents and students to keep checking the official website,,

CISCE had cancelled all the remaining exams scheduled from March 19th to March 31st amidst the Coronavirus scare. The new dates are expected to be announced after the lockdown imposed has been lifted on April 15th and assessing the conditions.