The list of boards that have postponed their board exams keeps growing with Punjab, Kerala, Chhattisgharh, and Telangana also postponing all their board exams to mitigate the spread of Coronavirus.

All the exams except for the SSC exam scheduled for tomorrow in Telangana will now be conducted after March 31st and new time table will be issued in the near future.

Telangana State Board of Secondary Education (TSBSE) was scheduled to begin the exam tomorrow and the exam was ending on April 8th; however, the board has decided that the exam that is scheduled for tomorrow will be conducted as per the schedule but all the remaining exams will be conducted after March 31st.


Earlier, CBSE, ICSE, Bihar, UP, Madhya Pradesh boards had postponed the exams. Apart from the boards, various universities have also put a hold on their examination and evaluation process.

Students are requested to keep checking the board websites or’s Announcement page for latest updates on the new exam schedule.

The Indian Council of Medical Research says it has conducted tests on 14,376 samples from 13,486 individuals for the COVID-19 virus till 10 am on Friday. Among these, 206 individuals were confirmed positive for the coronavirus among suspected cases and contacts of known positive cases.