Uttar Pradesh board exam high school and intermediate examination evaluation process has been put on hold, according to several reports, due to Corona Virus outbreak. The evaluation process began on Monday; however, only 70% evaluators had shown up for the evaluation process, according to Times of India.

The Secondary Education Board Chairman, Aradhana Shukla, said that the evaluation process has been put on hold and now it will now be conducted from April 2nd, 2020.

The reports suggest that delay in the evaluation process will also delay the result for the examination and they would not be released in the month of April and might come out in the first half of the month of May.


The evaluation process was being conducted by around 1.5 lakh teachers who were supposed to check more than 3 crore papers. More than 50 lakh candidates had registered to appear for the examination this year from 10th and 12th class.

Reports from various outlets suggest that when the evaluation process began on Monday, the evaluation centres were not equipped with sanitisers, soaps for hand washing, among other things. The centres were equipped with all the necessary things by the evening.