IIT Delhi has released the GATE 2020 question paper and response sheets for all the candidates who had participated in the exam today, February 18th. The answer keys for the GATE 2020 will be released on February 19th along with the link to raise objections at the official website, gate.iitd.ac.in.

The GATE 2020 examination was conducted February 1st, February 2nd, February 8th, and February 9th. The result will be released on or before March 16th after taking into account the responses received against the answer key.


Here are the direct links to check GATE 2020 question paper and response sheet:

The last day to raise objection against GATE 2020 answer keys will be February 21st, 2020. The candidates can contest/challenge the answer key of any question after giving their justification and a payment of Rs. 500 (for each question) through the online payment link available in the GOAPS.

The GATE website states, “While challenging the answer keys, the candidates should ensure that the question number is as per the PDF file of the question paper uploaded on the GATE 2020 website. A preview of the question selected is also shown in the contest portal. Make sure that you select the right section and the question number which you wish to contest. Please note that if the question number is not correctly identified, then the challenge will not be considered. If you are uploading any supporting document for the contest, you must mention the section name and question number in the document.”

The GATE examination is conducted on 25 subjects and the candidates can appear in any one subject. The GATE is for undergraduate subjects in Engineering/Technology/ Architecture and post-graduate level subjects in Science.