Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) has declared the 2019 Civil Judge (Junior Division) and Judicial Magistrate (First Class) Main Examination result today. All the candidates who had appeared for the exam can check the result at the official website,

The result was released along with a notification which states that all the candidates who have cleared the exam will now appear for the document verification process. A total number of 432 candidates have cleared the exam and now eligible to appear for the DV round.


Here is the direct link to access the MPSC Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate Main exam result.

The document also has details regarding the category-wise cut-off marks after the roll numbers have been listed.

How to access the MPSC Judge/Magistration Main exam result:

  1. Visit the MPSC official website.
  2. Click on the link to check the result.
  3. A PDF will open with all the necessary details.