Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the admit card for the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II) 2019 written examination on October 25th, 2019. All the candidates who had applied to appear for the exam can download the admit card from the official website, upsconline.nic.in.

The UPSC will conduct the examination on November 17th, 2019. The rules around the examination has already been revealed in a notification which can be accessed in this link.

Candidates can download the NDA/NA 2019 exam admit card from this direct link.


Please go through the admit card download instructions carefully before proceeding with the download process.

The admission drive is being conducted to fill 370 positions for NDA (208 for Army, 42 for Navy and 120 for Air Force) and 45 positions for NA. Overall there are 415 vacancies that will be filled through this drive.

This is the second admission drive, while the previous one was held in the January session. UPSC conducts this admission process to fill positions for NDA in Army, Navy, Air Force and for Naval Academy.