State Bank of India has released recruitment notification for 477 Specialist Cadre Officer positions today, September 6th. The notification can be accessed online and application can be processed at the official website of SBI, The last day to apply for the recruitment drive is September 25th, 2019.

All the vacancies will be employed as regular employees. The 477 vacancies are divided into 35 positions of which Grade I Developer position has the maximum vacancy of 147 positions. The candidates must be below the age of 30 with relaxation in the upper age limit for candidates from reserved category.


Each position has different qualification and candidates are advised to go through the detailed notification to determine the eligibility and qualification for various positions. The notification can be accessed in this link.

The selection process for some positions involve a written test followed by an interview, whereas for some positions candidates will be shortlisted based on the application and called for an interview. The written test is scheduled to be conducted on October 20th, 2019.

How to apply for 2019 SBI Special Cadre Officer position:

  1. Visit the SBI ongoing recruitment page.
  2. Under the “RECRUITMENT OF SPECIALIST CADRE OFFICERS IN SBI ON REGULAR BASIS’ advertisement, click on ‘Apply Online’ link.
  3. A new page will open where candidates need to register first to generate log-in credentials.
  4. After generating the credentials, log-in with the information and process the application.
  5. Take a print out of the submitted application for future reference.