Maharashtra Council for Agriculture Education and Research (MCAER) will declare the first allotment result for the admissions to Agriculture Business Management (ABM) Degree Courses of Maharashtra Academic Year 2019-20 today, August 14th, in the evening hours.

All the candidates who have made it to the final merit list can check the allotment result at the official website,

The candidates who have find their names in the first allotment list need to report to the respective institute from August 16th to August 17th before 5.30 pm to finish the admission formalities. The second allotment result will be declared on August 20th, 2019.


Earlier the Council had released the provisional merit and rejection list on August 6th and the final merit and rejection list were released on August 12th. The direct links to access the lists are here for merit list and rejection list.

For ABM course, three allotment rounds followed by the management quota admission will be conducted and the process will go on until September 8th. The classes are scheduled to begin on September 10th.

How to check the MCAER 2019 Allotment result:

  1. Visit the MCAER 2019 admission website.
  2. Click on the relevant admission link available on the home page, in this case ABM website.
  3. Once the allotment is released, a lot to check the allotment result will get activated.
  4. Enter the relevant details to access one’s allotment result and take a print out of the allotment letter if necessary.