Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) has released first seat allotment result for AP EAMCET 2019 counselling. Candidates who applied for the admission counselling are requested to download their respective admit card from counselling website - The option entry for AP EAMCET counselling was completed on August 1 and now the first allotment list has been published.

The option entry was conducted in three phases starting with candidates from Rank 1 to 35,000 excercising their options on July 27 and July 28. Further, candidates from rank 35,001 to 80,000 had to register their options on July 29th and 30th and lastly the candidates from 80,001 to the last rank had time till August 1st.


Now all these applicants can download the seat allotment order from Candidate login section. Here is the direct link to access the seat allotment order using login ID, hall ticket number, password and date of birth details.

Further, candidates can access the seat allotment or login ID details via SMS by following the procedure mentioned below.

Candidates can get their Login ID by sending SMS to 8790499899 as ‘APEAMCET (space) 01 (space) Your HallTicketNumber’ through their registered mobile number
Candidates can get their Allotted Seat Details by sending SMS to 8790499899as ‘APEAMCET (space) 02 (space) HallTicket Number’

The council had invited qualified and eligible candidates of APEAMCET-2019 (MPC Stream) to participate in web counseling for the seats available in Engineering and Pharmacy colleges in the State (both University and Private) for the academic year 2019-20.