Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) has declared the call letters for Non-executive personnel recruitment exam on its online recruitment portal - IOCL is conducting the recruitment written exam for filling in technical positions for Junior Engineering Assistant-IV in various departments and Junior Quality Control Analyst posts. Candidates who had applied for the advertised vacancies for IOCL recruitment can now download their respective admit from the official website.

The online applications process for the recruitment of 129 Non-Executive Personnel positions started from July 3rd and the last date to submit the application was July 23rd. The written test for the recruitment was tentatively scheduled in the month of August, likely on August 4th. The details about the exam date, venue, timing, and other personal information will be available on the admit card.


Here is the direct link to download the admit card IOCL Non-executive personnel recruitment exam 2019

From the downloads section on the recruitment site, candidates will have to download the exam call letter using their application number and date of birth details. The selection methodology comprises of Written Test and a Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT) which will be of qualifying nature. A candidate will have to secure a minimum of 40% marks in the written test to qualify for further consideration.