The Joint Entrance Examination Council Uttar Pradesh (JEECUP) had declared the result for round 3 counselling on July 19 and incidentally today is the last date to report for admissions at the allotted institutes. Candidates who had applied for the UP Polytechnic 2019 counselling must note that today is the last date for all candidates from Round 1, 2 or 3 who had not completed their admission process till now.

So candidates who had either floated or froze their seats will have to report at the allotted institute before the end of today. Candidates will have to carry the allotment letter and other relevant admission documents for the confirming the admission.


As per the official website, no request or claims after July 24th will be entertained by the college authorities and JEECUP. The admission formalities compulsorily need to be finished by July 24th.

AKTU conducts UPJEE entrance process every year for candidates to secure admission to Diploma Courses in Polytechnic Institutions under the Joint Entrance Examination Council, Uttar Pradesh State. The JEECUP 2019 counselling was conducted in three rounds for candidates to secure admission to Diploma Courses.

The UPJEE 2019 entrance exam was conducted on April 28th in two sessions and had declared the result of UPJEE 2019 on June 20th, 2019.