Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection (IBPS) has been accepting applications for the recruitment at 2019 Regional Rural Banks (RRB) VIII since June 18th, and today, July 4th, is the last day to apply for the same. The online application process for the advertised 7,401 vacancies is being processed at the IBPS website -

The recruitment is for the posts of Officers - Scale I, II, III and Office Assistants (Multipurpose). Candidates are advised to submit their applications and make the exam fee payment as early as possible before the last date. Here is the direct link to the online application page with links to applications for all category of posts.


The recruitment for Office Assistant Multipurpose and Officer Scale I candidates will be based on results from the preliminary and the main exam. Officer Scale I will also have to appear for an interview round. s Officer Scale II and III are special cadre positions, recruitment for them will be done through an only single level of examination followed by an interview round.

The tentative dates of preliminary examination for Officer Scale I position are August 3rd, 4th and 11th. While for the Office Assistant posts exams will be conducted on August 17th, 18th and 25th. On the other hand, the single level examination for Officer Scale I, II and III positions will be conducted on September 22nd and 29th.

How to apply for IBPS 2019RRB recruitment

  1. Visit the official website of IBPS -
  2. Click on the ticker link for CRP RRBs-VIII recruitment
  3. Your will be directed to a new page with several direct links for all category of posts
  4. Choose your desired posts you wish to apply for. First time applicants will have to register in order to fill up the application
  5. Make the fee payment and take a print out of the submitted application

For more details on the RRB recruitment, check the official notification linked here, which will have more details on qualification and eligibility criteria, reservation policy, exam pattern, exam schedule, selection process, application methodology among others.