Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Exam (UPSEE) 2019 result has been postponed. The result now will be declared on June 3rd at 5.00 pm. The result was initially expected to be declared in the last week of May; however, a notice on the website now reveals the new date. Once declared, the result for the UPSEE 2019 can be accessed at the official website, upsee.nic.in.

The counselling process is expected to begin in the first or second week of June and is expected to go out until mid July. The spot counselling is scheduled to be conducted in the last week of July. It is not known whether the delay in the result will affect the counselling schedule.


UPSEE 2019 exam was held on April 21st, Sunday and the admit card for the same was released earlier on April 15th. The preliminary answer keys for the entrance examination was released on April 22nd and objections could have been raised against the answers until May 3rd, 2019.

UPSEE is an entrance test conducted every year for admissions to the first year of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in BTech/ BArch/ BDes/ BPharm/ BHMCT/ BFAD/ BFA/ MBA/ MBA(Integrated) / MCA/ MCA (Integrated) in the colleges offering these courses in the state of Uttar Pradesh. AKTU has the responsibility to conduct the UPSEE examinations.