SCERT Odisha 2019 entrance examination for teacher training courses has been postponed until further notice. A notice on the website states that the exam has been postponed and new dates will be notified soon.

The SCERT Odisha examination was scheduled to be conducted from May 18th to May 30th and the admit card for the examination was issued on May 13th, 2019. The notice also mentioned that the new timetable will be communicated through SMS.

Candidates who have applied to appear for the SCERT Odisha Entrance exam are advised to check the SCERT Odisha website,, regularly for latest updates and new exam dates.


SCERT Odisha conducts entrance examination for various teacher training course admissions offered in the state of Odisha. The courses include B.Ed. M.Ed. D.El.Ed, M.Phil, B.Ped among others.

More than 80 institutions conduct admissions for courses offered by them and more than 1.73 lakh had applied to appear in the exam this year.

The application process for the SCERT Odisha 2019 began on April 1st and went on until April 30th, 2019. The admit card for the exam was released on May 13th. The Institute is yet to clarify if the admit card released on May 13th will be valid for the postponed exam or new admit cards will be issued.