Central teams arrives in Odisha to assess damage by cyclone Fani

  • An inter-ministerial Central team is in Odisha to assess the damage caused by Cyclone Fani that hit the state’s coastal districts on May 3 leaving 64 dead, an official said.
  • The nine-member team is being led by Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs Vivek Bharadwaj.
  • The team, which is to be split into two groups, will visit Puri and Khurda districts on Monday and Tuesday. The two districts are among the places worst-hit by the cyclone.

300 Yaks die of starvation after heavy snowfall in Sikkim

  • After a bout of harsh winter weather, around 300 Himalayan yaks have died in Sikkim, said officials.     
  • The yaks died in the cold desert region of North Sikkim – allegedly due to starvation, government sources said.    
  • A source added that the last time so many yaks had died was in 1994-95 after the region received heavy snowfall which wiped out the entire herd.

Kamala Harris says US officials should consider breaking up Facebook

  • Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris said on Sunday that U.S. officials should consider breaking up Facebook Inc, the world’s largest social media company, saying it is a utility that has gone unregulated.
  • Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes called last week for the social network to be split into three parts.

Machine learning could predict death or heart attack with over 90% accuracy: Study

  • A study claimed that machine learning, modern bedrock of artificial intelligence, could predict death or heart attack with more than 90 per cent accuracy.
  • The study was presented at The International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT (ICNC) 2019.
  • Machine learning is used every day. Google’s search engine, face recognition on smartphones, self-driving cars, Netflix and Spotify recommendation systems – all use machine learning algorithms to adapt to the individual user.