Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) has released the answer keys for the Final Written Exam for the recruitment of 2018 Sub-Inspector on April 25th. The candidates who had appeared for the FWE conducted for the recruitment of SI can check the answer keys for all the subjects on the official website,

The candidates can also raise objection against the answers on the answer keys, details of which can be accessed in this notification. The last day to submit the objection is April 28th (5.00 pm). Candidates may submit Objections, if any, on Preliminary Key for each question of each Paper / Subject individually, in the Web Template made available to them in their respective accounts.


Candidates can click on this direct link to access the answer key page.

The board had conducted the FWE for SCT SIs Civil and / or Equivalent Posts, SCT SI IT&C and SCT ASI FPB on April 28th, 2019 and now the answer keys have been released. The answer keys are for all subjects which include Arithmetic and Test of Reasoning / Mental Ability, English Language, General Studies and Telugu / Urdu for the SCT SIs Civil and / or equivalent Posts (which include the 2 Non-Technical Papers of the Candidates of SCT SI IT&C and SCT ASI FPB).

Howto access TSLPRB SI FWE answer keys:

  1. Visit the TSLPRB official website.
  2. Under SCT SI IT & C / ASI FPB section, click on the link for FWE Preliminary Keys.
  3. A new page will open where candidates will find links to all the answer keys. Click on the relevant link and download the answer keys.

The TSLPRB had released the notification for 16,925 vacancies for Stipend Cadet Trainee (SCT) PC Civil and/or equivalent positions on May 31st this year. The vacancies are distributed in 10 districts of Telangana, the details of which can be accessed in the official notification.