Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) has declared the 2019 9th class result a while ago today, April 11th, 2019. All the students can check the result at the official JAC website, jac.jharkhand.gov.in. The website is slow to load but students are requested to be patient.

Multiple outlets had reported that the JAC will be declaring the 8th class result today; however, the 9th class result has been declared before the 8th class. The JAC had conducted the examination in the month of February and March and the admit card was released on February 9th.


JAC also released a video tutorial for students on how to check the result.

The students can access the result at the jac.nic.in and jac.jharkhand.gov.in. They can click on the link for the result and enter the necessary details to access the result. Alternatively, they can click on this direct link to go to the result page and enter the roll number. The result will be displayed which can be printed out for future reference.

In 2018, the JAC had declared the 10th and 12th class results in the month of June 2018. The 10th class students had secured a pass percentage of 59.48%. The 12th class Arts students managed to score 72.62%, and the Science stream recorded a pass percentage of 48.34% while the Commerce stream registered a pass percentage of 67.49%.