MCAER has released the PGCET 2019 result and merit list for all the candidates who had participated in the exam. The candidates can check the merit list and download their individual result at the official website, A total number of 469 students have been placed in the merit list for the PGCET 2019.

Sushant Annaso Dhanawade bagged the top rank in the merit list by scoring 90 out of a possible 100 marks. Anuradha Bhanudas Gawade and Rahul Dattatray Nakate bagged the second spot by scoring 89.50 marks. The third spot was bagged by Vinay Nirsimha Reddy Kuthuru who scored 88.5 marks.

How to access the MCAER PGCET 2019 result:

1. Visit the MCAER official website.


2. Click on the link for ‘Recent News’.

3. Click on the link for ‘Mark List PGCET 2019’ or ‘Result for all subjects for PGCET 2019’.

4. The Mark list link will open a PDF page of the merit list; whereas the result will open a log-in page where candidates can feed the Application Number and select the subject and access the result.

5. Alternatively, candidates can click on direct link here for Merit List or Result.

MAUEB had conducted entrance examination for all PG courses like MSc (Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Home Science, and Agriculture Biotechnology, M.Tech (Agricultural Engineering and Food Technology, MBA in Agriculture, M.F.Sc, and MSc (P.H.M) from March 16th to March 18th, 2019.

The notification for the exam was released on December 12th, 2018 and the application process went on until January 10th, 2019. A total number of 15,691 candidates were eligible to appear for the exam, whereas candidature of 4,242 applicants was rejected.