Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) has released the final answer keys for the recruitment of 2018 clerk and computer operator positions today, March 6th, 2019. The candidates who had appeared for the exam can check the final answer keys at the website, uppbpb.gov.in.

The Board had conducted the preliminary exam on December 21st and December 22nd, 2018 and the preliminary answer keys were released on January 3rd, 2019. The candidates could raise objections against the answer keys on or before January 6th. The final answer keys have been released after taking into account all the objections received.


The candidates can go to the official website and click on the final answer key link on the home page. Alternatively, they can click on this direct link to download the answer keys. The final answer key notification can be accessed from this link. The board mentions that no further objection regarding the answers will be entertained.

UPPRPB is conducting the recruitment for the positions of Grade A Computer Operator 2017 and UP Police Clerk and Secret Assistant 2016 for both men and women.