Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board (APSLPRB) has released the PCT Sub-inspector (SI) final exam answer keys today, February 25th, 2019. All the candidates who had appeared for the final exam can be check the final answer keys at The final exam is conducted for candidates who have cleared the PET/PMT stage of the recruitment.

The answer keys for both the Paper III and Paper IV were released and candidates can raise objection against the answers before 5.00 pm of February 28th through an email to in the format mentioned in the answer key notification which can be accessed in the ‘Latest News’ section published on February 24th. The result of the exam will be released within the next 14 days.


APSLPRB had conducted the final written exam on February 23rd and February 24th in which 32,755 candidates were eligible to attend and the attendance for Paper III was 96.2% and the attendance for Paper IV was 96.14%. The candidates had to clear the preliminary and PET/PMT round of the recruitment process to be eligible to appear for the final exam.

How to check APSLPRB SI final exam answer keys:

  1. Visit the APSLPRB website.
  2. Under the ‘Latest News’ section click on the answer keys for Paper III and Paper IV link published on February 25th.
  3. The answer keys will get downloaded which can be printed out for reference.

The Board will recruit SCT Sub Inspectors of Police (Civll) (Men & Women), SCT Reserve Sub Inspectors of Police (AR) (Men & Women), SCT Reserve Sub Inspectors of Police (APSP) (Men) in Police Department and Deputy Jailors (Men) & Deputy Jailors (Women) in Prisons & Correctional Services Department and Station Fire Officers (Men) in A.P. Fire & Emergency Services Department via this recruitment process.