Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has extended the last day for applying to the recruitment of post of Head Constable position. Now the candidates can apply until February 25th. The official website to apply for the Head Constable position is cisfrectt.in. The notification for the recruitment was released on January 22nd, 2019.

The original deadline for apply for the position was February 20th, but as reported earlier, the website was quite erratic on the application deadline day. This could have prompted the extension of the deadline. The CISF recruitment website states that the extension is provided to accommodate the large number of applications and clarifies that no further extension will be provided.

How to apply for the CISF 2019 Head Constable position:

  1. Visit the CISF recruitment website.
  2. Click on ‘Register/Login’ button on the top right corner.
  3. Under New Registration section on the left panel, click on ‘Register’ button.
  4. Fulfill the registration process which will generate the log-in credentials.
  5. Using the generated credentials, log-in to the website and complete the application process and submit it.
  6. Take a print out of the submitted application for future reference.

CISF is looking to fill a total number of 429 vacancies through this recruitment drive, out of which 328 are for Male Head Constable posts, 37 positions for Female Constable and remaining 64 posts for Limited Department Competitive examination (LDCE).


Candidates should have a minimum qualification of Intermediate or Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2) to be eligible to apply for the position. Age limit should be between 18 to 25 years with relaxation in the upper age limit for candidates from the unreserved category.

Candidates can access further information about other eligibility criteria, exam pattern, reservation policy, application by accessing the notification in this link.