Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has released the 2017 Assistant Engineer, Civil Preliminary exam result on Wednesday, January 30th, 2019. All the candidates who had appeared on the exam can check the official website,, to access the result. The Commission has also released the cut-off marks for various categories and the final answer keys along with the result.

BPSC had conducted the 2017 Assistant Civil Engineer Competitive exam September 15th, 2018 in which 17,865 candidates participated. The result notification also detailed the roll numbers of candidates whose candidature was rejected for various reasons such as not meeting the age or qualification requirements.


The final answer keys can be accessed in the home page of BPSC by clicking on the link for answer keys under the result link. Alternatively, one can click this direct link to access the answer keys.

How to check BPSC Asst. Engineer Prelim result:

  1. Visit the official website of BPSC.
  2. Click on the link for the result for Assistant Engineer preliminary exam result (Direct link).
  3. The PDF will contain the roll numbers of all the candidates who have cleared the exam. At the bottom of the PDF, details of cut-off marks are provided.

BPSC is conducting the recruitment drive to recruit 1,400 assistant engineer. These 1400 vacancies include 1,284 assistant civil engineer, 110 assistant mechanical engineer, and 6 assistant civil engineer positions. All vacancies are for animal and fisheries resources.