HTET 2018 answer keys have been released by Haryana Secondary Education Board on its official site – Answer keys for the Haryana Teachers Eligibility Test 2018 that concluded on Sunday, January 6th for recruiting teachers at three levels that is PRT, TGT and PGT has been uploaded on the BSEH website, official press release confirmed.

How to check the answer keys for HTET 2018

  1. Visit the official site –
  2. In the what’s new section, click on the ‘answer keys of HTET-2018’ link
  3. A new page containing answer key links for all three levels will show up
  4. Go through all answer thoroughly and raise objections if any before January 14th
  5. Here is the direct link for raising grievances

Candidates are advised to thoroughly check the the answer keys and in case of any objections or queries regarding the answer keys can be raised to the board directly online. The objections or grievances will have to be filed online via a link provide by BSEH before 5 pm on January 14th. No requests after the stipulated time will be entertained, states the BSEH press release.


As for the qualification criteria announced earlier in the exam notification, general category candidates and those living outside the state need to score minimum 60 per cent which is 90 marks while for the reserved category of the state, it is 55 per cent that is 82 marks. There is no negative marking.

The state government conducts the Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) every year to test the eligibility of candidates who wish to work as Primary Teacher (PRT), Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) and Post-Graduate Teacher (PGT) in various government colleges.