Prepare for the IBPS PO exam by reviewing previous years’ question papers. Here are a few questions from previous years’ IBPS PO exam question papers, with the answers, so that you are ready to take the exam. Go through the list of questions (with answers) that we’ve selected from previous years’ IBPS PO exam papers, and then attempt our quiz at the bottom.


1. Which of the phrases given against the sentence should replace the word/phrase given in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct?


Hollywood bare escaped being totally sidelined by the rise of television.

(A) bare escapism

(B) barely escapism

(C) bare escapes

(D) barely escaped

(E) No correction required

Ans: D

2. Which of the pair of phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct?

We have in America a collection speech that is neither American, Oxford English, nor colloquial English, but a mixture of all three.


(A) motley, an enhancement

(B) hybrid, a combination

(C) nasal, a blend

(D) mangled, a medley

(E) No correction required

Ans: B


3. In this question are given four statements followed by five conclusions, one of which definitely does not logically follow (or is not a possibility of occurrence) from the given statements. That conclusion is your answer.

Some logics are reasons.
All reasons are arguments.
All arguments are fights.
No fight is a discussion.


(A) All discussions being logic is a possibility.


(B) No discussion is an argument.

(C) All logics being discussion is a possibility.

(D) All reasons are fights.

(E) No reason is a discussion.

Ans: C

4. Read the following information and the sentences (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V) and (VI) given below it carefully and answer the questions.

Scientists are worried that using very high concentration of repellents, a fogging agent is rendering mosquitoes more and more resistant. This is making the repellent ineffective overtime.
(I) Resistance development among mosquitoes is higher than all other insects. This shows that mosquitoes are more adaptive than other insects.
(II) If the increase in concentration of repellent does not stop, it would end up becoming so toxic that it would endanger the health of humans as well as the ecosystem as a whole.
(III) In places where increased concentration of mosquito repellents are used, mosquito control is more effective than in other areas.
(IV) While regular-concentration mosquito repellent must be sold at a subsidised price on government orders, the one with high concentration only helps make good profits.
(V) The government should make a policy regarding the limits to concentration of mosquito repellents and ensure its strict implementation.
(VI) Development of resistance against repellent drugs is naturaIly present in mosquitoes and does not depend on the amount of repellent used.
Which of the following represents a consequence of the increased concentration of repellents?


(A) VI

(B) IV

(C) I

(D) II


Ans: D

5. Point N is 8m to the west of Point O. Point P is 4m to the south of Point O. Point Q is 4m to the east of Point P. Point R is 6m to the north of Point Q. Point S is 8m to the west of Point. If Point T is 2m to the south of Point S. How far and in which direction is Point T from Point N?

(A) 4m to the east

(B) 8m to the west

(C) 4m to the west

(D) 8m to the east

(E) 6m to the south

Ans: A

Quantitative aptitutde

6. Total distance between A and B is d kms. If the distance travelled along the stream is three time of the total distance and the distance travelled against the stream is two times of the total distance. If the time taken to cover the distance along the stream is 10% less then the time taken to cover the distance against the stream. If a person cover a distance of 21 km in 1 hr 24 min along the stream, then find the rate of current ?


(A) 2 km/hr

(B) 3 km/hr

(C) 1 km/hr

(D) 4 km/hr

(E) None of these

Ans: B

7. A man invested Rs X in simple interest at a rate of interest of 15 % for 5 yrs .then he invested X+300 at compound interest at 10% rate for 2 years. The total interest obtained in 2 years is Rs4383. Find the total amount (in Rs) invested by the man.

(A) 9000

(B) 8700

(C) 8500

(D) 9300

(E) None of these

Ans: D

8. Find the wrong term in the following series.

7 ; 4 ; 5 ; 9 ; 21 ; 52.5 ; 160.5

(A) 4

(B) 5

(C) 9

(D) 52.5

(E) 21

Ans: E

General awareness

9. In the financial term “SWIFT”, what does ‘S’ stand for?


(A) Society

(B) Saving

(C) Scheme

(D) Securitization

(E) Standard

Ans: A

10. The slowdown in the rate of increase of prices of goods & services in National GDP over time is called ______.

(A) Disinflation

(B) Deflation

(C) Stagflation

(D) Demand-pull Inflation

(E) Hyperinflation

Ans: A