The Commissionerate for School Education (CSE), Andhra Pradesh, has begun the process of application for the Teacher Recruitment Test cum Teacher Eligibility Test (TRT-cum-TET) from today, November 1st. The notification for the recruitment for 7,675 teachers was released on October 26th and the application process has begun on schedule. Candidates can apply for the AP TET-cum-TRT exam at

The last date to submit the application fees for the recruitment is November 15th and the last date to submit the application form is November 16th. There are 4,341 vacancies for Government Zilla Parishad and Mandal Parishad, 1,100 positions for municipal schools, and 909 from model schools.


The examination schedule also can be accessed at this link. The AP TET and TRT exam will begin from December 6th, 2018, and go on until January 2nd, 2019. It will be conducted in two sessions for some examinations and one for others.

The admit card for the exam will be available from November 29th. The exam will be conducted by the DSC for PGT, TGT, Language Pandits, PETs, Principals, Music teacher, Craft teacher, Arts and Drawing teacher, and SGTs.

Here is how to apply for AP DSC TRT-cum-TET

  1. Click on the direct link for TRT-TET 2018 recruitment website.
  2. Click on the ‘Payment Gateway’ link for appropriate school system the candidate wants to apply.
  3. Fill the payment form and pay the necessary application fees.
  4. After the payment, click on the ‘Submit Application’ link at the recruitment website
  5. Fill in the form and give the payment reference and submit the application.

The home page for the AP DSC TRT-cum-TET 2018 recruitment has direct link for notification for ‘Residential School’ and ‘School Education’, Information Bulletin, District and/Post-Wise/Medium-wise/Community-wise vacancies, Exam Schedule, and Exam Syllabus. Generally, APPSC used to handle TRT-TET recruitment but this year CSE will be handling the process.