Vivo has launched a new variant of their mid-range smartphone, the Vivo V9 Pro, in India. The handset was first unveiled by Vivo in the country last month, but only in one RAM option, that is 6GB of RAM. Also, it was exclusive to Amazon India and the Vivo Store. But now a new 4GB RAM model of the handset has been spotted on Flipkart ahead of the e-commerce giant’s Big Diwali Sale.
The Flipkart listing suggests that the smartphone will go on sale on November 1, which is when the Flipkart sale will start. The Flipkart page for the handset shows a price of Rs. 15,990, which is a Rs. 2,000 discount from the original price of Rs. 17,990. Vivo, however, is yet to make any official confirmation about the availability details of this version of the Vivo V9 Pro. As per the e-retailer listing, the new variant will be available in Black and Nebula Purple colour options.
To put things in perspective, the 6GB RAM model of the V9 Pro is priced at Rs 19,990 in India. And there is a Rs. 2,000 discount on the older variant as well, as it is still listed on Amazon, bringing the price down to Rs. 17,990. An NDTV Gadgets report says that Vivo had recently announced the offline availability of the Vivo V9 Pro, but there is no information on whether the new variant will be available offline as well.
Vivo V9 Pro 4GB RAM variant specifications
Apart from the change in RAM, all the specifications of the Vivo V9 Pro remain the same. The smartphone comes with a 6.3-inch full-HD+ FullView Display 2.0 with a 19:9 aspect ratio. It is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 processor, paired with an Adreno 512 GPU, 4GB of RAM, and 64GB of inbuilt storage.
The camera specifications remain the same as well. The Vivo V9 Pro features a dual rear camera setup with a 13-megapixel primary sensor and a 2-megapixel depth sensor with an LED flash. The phone has a 16-megapixel selfie camera clubbed with AI selfie lighting, and AI face beauty features. It gets the identical 3,260mAh battery too.
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