Prepare for the UPSC exam by reviewing previous years’ question papers. Here are a few questions from previous years’ UPSC exam question papers, with the answers, so that you are ready to take the exam. Go through the list of questions (with answers) that we’ve selected from previous years’ UPSC exam papers, and then attempt our quiz at the bottom.

General awareness

1. With reference to a conservation organization called “Wetlands International”, which of the following statements is/are correct?

I. It is an intergovernmental organization formed by the countries which are signatories to Ramsar Convention.


II. It works at the field level to develop and mobilize knowledge, and use practical experience to advocate for better policies.

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) Both I and II

(D) Neither I nor II

Ans: B

2. In medieval India, the designations of ‘Mahattara’ and ‘Pattakila’ were used for:

(A) military officers

(B) village headmen

(C) specialists in Vedic rituals

(D) chiefs of craft trade

Ans: B

3. Which of the following pairs is/are correctly matched?

I. Dampa Tiger Reserve : Mizoram
II. Gumti Wildlife Sanctury : Sikkim
III. Saramati Peak : Nagaland


(A) I only

(B) II and III only

(C) I and III only

(D) I, II, and III

Ans: C

4. Which of the following diseases has/have been eradicated in India?

I. Diphtheria
II. Chickenpox
III. Smallpox

(A) I and II only

(B) III only

(C) I, II, and III

(D) None

Ans: B

5. Which of the following phenomena might have influenced the evolution of organisms?

I. Continental drift
II. Glacial cycles

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) Both I and II

(D) Neither I nor II

Ans: C

6. The phenomenon of hibernation can be observed in which of the following kind of animals?


I. Bats
II. Bears
III. Rodents

(A) I and II only

(B) II only

(C) I, II, and III

(D) None of the above

Ans: B


7. “Liberty, therefore, is never real unless the Government can be called to account when it invades rights.”

Which one of the following is the best justification of the above statement?

(A) In the realisation that the government can be brought to book in the court of law

(B) In identifying a man as a political unit in a way which distinguishes him from other citizens

(C) In a decentralized society wherein the basic needs of men can find satisfaction


(D) In the understanding that liberty and restraints are complementary

Ans: D

8. Out of a total of 120 musicians in a club, 5% can play all the three instruments, guitar, violin and flute. It so happens that the number of musicians who can play any two and only two of the above instruments is 30. The number of musicians who can play the guitar alone is 40. What is the total number of those who can play violin alone or flute alone?

(A) 45

(B) 44

(C) 38

(D) 30

Ans: B

9. Consider that:

I. A is taller than B
II. C is taller than A
III. D is taller than C
III. E is the tallest of all


If they are made to sit in the order of their height, who will occupy the mid position?

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

Ans: C

10. Assume that:

I. the hour and minute hands of the clock move without jerking
II. the clock shows the time between 8 o’clock and 9 o’clock
III. the two hands of the clock are one above the other

After how many minutes (nearest integer) will the two hands be again lying one above the other?

(A) 60

(B) 62

(C) 65

(D) 67

Ans: C