Prepare for the IBPS PO exam by reviewing previous years’ question papers. Here are a few questions from previous years’ IBPS PO exam question papers, with the answers, so that you are ready to take the exam. Go through the list of questions (with answers) that we’ve selected from previous years’ IBPS PO exam papers, and then attempt our quiz at the bottom.


1. Which of the following conclusions follow from the statements given below?


Some bags are truth. All truth are shirts.

Some shirts are boys. All boys are shops.



I. Some shops are bags.

II. Some boys are bags.

III. Some shops are shirts.

IV. Some shirts are bags.

(A) Only I and II follow

(B) Only I and III follow

(C) Only III and IV follow

(D) Only II and IV follow

(E) None of these

Ans: C

2. Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F and G have their weekly offs on different days of the week, ie Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, not necessarily in that order. Each of them has a liking different color, ie Blue, Green, Red, yellow, White, Black and Pink, not necessarily in that order. B likes pink color and gets his weekly off on Thursday. D likes Green color and does not have off on Sunday. E has weekly off on Saturday and G has his weekly off on Tuesday. F likes Black color whereas the one who has weekly off on Monday likes Red color. C does not like White color and has weekly off on Wednesday. The one who likes Blue color does not have a weekly off on Tuesday or Wednesday.


Who has a weekly off on Friday?

(A) C

(B) G

(C) F

(D) Data inadequate

(E) None of these

Ans: E

3. A soldier who is facing North rotates 180 degrees clockwise and again rotates 270 degrees anticlockwise. In which direction is the soldier now?

(A) East

(B) South

(C) West

(D) North-West

(E) None of these

Ans: C

Quantitative aptitude

4. The average age of Sheela, Ram and Mona is 38 years . 2 year ago, average age of Sheela and Ram is 39 year. 2 year hence, average age of Hema and Mona is 45. Find the present age of Hema?

(A) 52 years


(B) 54 years

(C) 50 years

(D) 48 years

(E) None of these

Ans: B

5. A man invested Rs. X in simple interest at a rate of interest of 15 % for 5 yrs .then he invested X+300 at compound interest at 10% rate for 2 years. The total interest obtained in 2 years is Rs. 4383. Find the total amount (in Rs.) invested by the man.

(A) 9000

(B) 8700

(C) 8500

(D) 9300

(E) None of these

Ans: D

6. Find the wrong term in the following series.

33 ; 39 ; 56 ; 85 ; 127 ; 185 ; 254

(A) 39

(B) 254

(C) 185

(D) 85

(E) 56

Ans: C


7. Which one word is most nearly the same or opposite in meaning to the given word?



(A) Glutton

(B) Postulant

(C) Shrink

(D) Pluck

(E) Itinerant

Ans: B

8. Twelve million youth enter the Indian work force every year. Eighty per cent of these youth are unskilled.

(A) While eighty per cent ________.

(B) Since twelve million ________.

(C) Of the twelve million ________.

(A) Only (A)

(B) Only (C)

(C) Only (A) and (C)

(D) All (A), (B) and (C)

(E) None of these

Ans: B

General awareness

9. Every year, November 12 is observed as ______.

(A) World Veterans Day

(B) World Science Day

(C) World Pneumonia Day


(D) World Diabetes Day

(E) World Statistics Day

Ans: C

10. The headquarters of Citi Union Bank is located at _______.

(A) Mumbai, Maharashtra

(B) Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu

(C) Chennai, Tamil Nadu

(D) Kozhikode, Kerala

(E) Kolkata, West Bengal

Ans: B