Prepare for the UPSC exam by reviewing previous years’ question papers. Here are a few questions from previous years’ UPSC exam question papers, with the answers, so that you are ready to take the government exam. Go through the list of questions (with answers) that we’ve selected from previous years’ UPSC exam papers, and then attempt our quiz at the bottom.


1. A person had Re. 1 and Rs. 2 coin with her. If the total number of coins that she has is 50 and the amount of money with her is Rs. 75, then the number of Re. 1 and Rs. 2 coin are, respectively:


(A) 15 and 35

(B) 35 and 15

(C) 30 and 20

(D) 25 and 25

Ans: D

2. A village having a population of 4,000 requires 150 litres of water per head per day. It has a tank measuring 20 m x 15 m x 6 m. The water of this tank will last:

(A) 2 days

(B) 3 days

(C) 4 days

(D) 5 days

Ans: B

3. A student on her first three tests received an average score of N points. If she exceeds her previous average score by 20 points on her fourth test, then what is the average score for the first four tests?

(A) N + 20

(B) N + 10


(C) N + 4

(D) N + 5

Ans: D

4. Consider that:

A is taller than B.

C is taller than A.

D is taller than C.

E is the tallest of all

If they are made to sit in the above order of their height, who will occupy the mid position?

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

Ans: C

5. The number of deaths among the army personnel is 8 in 1000, but among the civilian population it is 20 per 1000. Which one of the following inferences can be drawn from this statement?

(A) It is better to join the army.

(B) The relationship is fortuitous.


(C) Quality of life index is very high within the armed forces.

(D) The group cannot be compared due to their heterogeneity.

Ans: D

General awareness

6. In the grasslands, trees do not replace the grasses as part of an ecological succession because of:

(A) insects and fungi

(B) limited sunlight and paucity of nutrients

(C) water limits and fire

(D) None of the rest

Ans: C

7. Quit Indian Movement was launched in response to:

(A) Cabinet Mission Plan

(B) Cripps Proposal

(C) Simon Commission Report

(D) Wavell Plan


Ans: B

8. The most important fishing grounds of the world are found in the regions where:

(A) warm and cold atmospheric currents meet

(B) rivers drain out large number of freshwater into the sea

(C) warm and cold oceanic currents meet

(D) continental shelf is undulating

Ans: C

9. The plan of Sir Stafford Cripps envisaged that after the Second World War:

(A) India should be granted complete independence

(B) India should be partitioned into two before granting independence

(C) India should be made a republic with the condition that she will join the Commonwealth


(D) India should be given Dominion status

Ans: D

10. Which of the following is/are the indicator/indicators used by IFPRI to compute the Global Hunger Index Report?

I. Undernourishment

II. Child stunting

III. Child mortality

(A) I

(B) II and II only

(C) I, II, and III

(D) I and III only

Ans: C