Prepare for the IBPS PO exam by reviewing previous years’ question papers. Here are a few questions from previous years’ IBPS PO exam question papers, with the answers, so that you are ready to take the government exam. Go through the list of questions (with answers) that we’ve selected from previous years’ IBPS PO exam papers, and then attempt our quiz at the bottom.


In the following sentence, there are two blanks for which options have been given. Choose the most appropriate option:

1. The singer, who has been very _____ about his faith in the party, also ______at the grand event.


(A) vocal, performed

(B) strong, sang

(C) open, dance

(D) loud, came

(E) creative, present

Ans: B

2. Read the following sentence and find out whether there is any grammatical error. Pick out the portion with the error.

Sceptics worries that the devaluation of the country’s currency is a desperate move to bail out struggling exporters.

(A) Sceptics worries that the devaluation

(B) of the country’s currency is

(C) bail out struggling exporters

(D) No error

Ans: A

3. Read the following sentence and find out whether there is any grammatical error. Pick out the portion with the error.


Emerging economies are dominating the news but for all the wrong reasons.

(A) Emerging economies are

(B) dominating the news

(C) but for

(D) all the wrong reasons

(E) No error

Ans: C

Quantitative analysis

4. 820.15 + 2379.85 + 140.01 x 4.99 = ?

(A) 4,400

(B) 3,900

(C) 3,000

(D) 4,000

(E) 4,300

Ans: B

5. In what respective ratio two varieties of rice costing Rs. 36 per kg and Rs. 60 per kg must be mixed so that by selling the mixture at Rs. 54 per kg, a 20% profit is earned?

(A) 3:2

(B) 7:5

(C) 5:3

(D) 5:2

(E) 4:3


Ans: C

6. Amit and Sujit together can complete an assignment in 5 days. Sujit’s speed is 80% of Amit’s speed. Key depressions in the assignment are 576,000. What is Amit’s speed in key depressions per hour if they work for 8 hours a day?

(A) 4,800

(B) 6,400

(C) 8,000

(D) 7,200

(E) None of these

Ans: C

7. In the following number series, one number is wrong. Find the wrong number.

3601, 3602, 1803, 604, 154, 36, 12

(A) 3602

(B) 1803

(C) 604

(D) 154

(E) 36

Ans: D

General Awareness

8. Kanha Tiger Reserve is situated in Mandla District of:


(A) Rajasthan

(B) Uttar Pradesh

(C) Chhattishgarh

(D) Madhya Pradesh

(E) Maharashtra

Ans: D

9. Chip is a common nickname for a(n):

(A) Transistor

(B) Semi-Conductor

(C) Resister

(D) Hard Disk

(E) Integrated circuit

Ans: E

Computer Knowledge

10. What is the ultimate purpose of defragmentation

(A) Delete temporary files

(B) Format the PC

(C) Make the PC faster

(D) Create more free space

(E) Reduce power consumption

Ans: D