The Bihar Vidhan Sabha has reopened the application window for the recruitment of the Sachivalaya Security Guard, Data Entry Operator, Driver, Office Attendant, Assistant Branch Officer and Assistant Deputy, Junior Clerk, Reporter, Personal Assistant and Shorthand Clerk, Library Attendant, Office Attendant (Concierge), Office Attendant (Gardener), Office Attendant (Cleaner) and Office Attendant (Farrash). Eligible candidates can fill out their application form through the official website from November 29 to December 13, 2024.

The last date to pay the examination fee is December 15, 2024. For more details related to vacancy number candidates can refer to the official notification.


Direct link to the Sachivalaya Security Guard notification.

Direct link to the Stenographer notification.

Direct link to the Advt. No.-2/2023, 03/2023, 04/2023, 05/2023, 01/2024, 02/2024, 03/2024 and 04/2024 posts notification.

How to apply for the posts

  1. Visit the official website
  2. On the homepage, click on Application link
  3. Complete the registration process and login
  4. Fill all the required details
  5. Submit the application form
  6. Take a print out for future reference

For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.