Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Committee (UPSSSC) has released the final answer key for the Forest Guard or Van Daroga Main Exam 2022. Candidates can download the answer keys from Commission’s official website upsssc.gov.in.

The provisional answer key was released on May 6, 2023. The UPSSSC Forest Guard Main exam was conducted on April 30 (Sunday).

UPSSSC is conducting the recruitment drive for a total of 701 Forest Guard posts in the UP Forest Department.

Steps to download UPSSSC Forest Guard final answer key

  1. Visit the official website upsssc.gov.in
  2. Click on Van Daroga Main Exam 2022 final answer key link
  3. The answer key will appear on the screen
  4. Check and download the answer key
  5. Take a printout for future reference

Direct link to UPSSSC Forest Guard Final Answer Key 2023.


Selection Procedure

UPSSSC will shortlist 15X candidates of the total vacancies for the UP Forest Guard Main Exam 2022 based on the PET 2021 score. Candidates who clear the exam will have to appear for the PET and PMT examination before final selection.

For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.