Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has released the final answer keys of the Computer-Based Written Test (CBT) for the posts of Horticulture Technician Grade-IV and Junior Stenographer. Candidates can check and download the answer key from the official website jkssb.nic.in.

The JKSSB Horticulture Technician, Junior Stenographer exams were held on November 29. The exam is conducted for 216 Junior Stenographer and 198 Horticulture Technician posts (Advt 5 of 2021).

The model answer keys were released on December 2 and objections were invited which were examined by subject experts.


Steps to check JKSSB final answer keys:

  1. Visit the official website jkssb.nic.in
  2. On the homepage, click on the answer key link for Horticulture Technician Grade-IV and Stenographer
  3. The JKSSB revised answer key will appear on screen
  4. Download and check.

Direct link to JKSSB Stenographer final answer key 2022.

Direct link to JKSSB Horticulture Technician final answer key 2022.