Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will release the admit cards for the 2019 NTPC CBT-2 exams on February 11. Registered candidates will be able to download their admit cards from the regional websites of RRB.

The RRB NTPC CBT 2 exams will be held in a single phase from February 15 to 19. The link for viewing the exam city and date and downloading of travelling authority for SC/ST candidates will be made available on all RRB websites by February 3. Downloading of RRB NTPC CBT 2 admit cards will start 4 days prior to the exam date mentioned in exam city and date intimation link. The Roll Number for CBT-2 is the same as that of CBT-1.


Here’s RRB NTPC CBT 2 exam notice.

As per the notice, each of level i.e. level 2 3 4 5, and 6 of the 7th CPC will have separate 2nd stage CBT. A candidate appearing for CBT 2 for different levels and on different dates will have a different e-call letter for each level/date. A candidate will be scheduled for all his exams in the same city but exam centre may vary.

For a total of 35,281 vacancies notified under NTPC, 7,05,446 candidates have been shortlisted for the CBT 2 exam. The result of RRB NTPC Stage 1 CBT-1 was declared on January 15. The Board said it has selected 20 times the vacancies in each pay level exactly as per the examination rules and notice.

The RRB Non-Technical Popular Category (NTPC) recruitment exams are being held for 35,281 posts which include positions like Clerk, Time Keeper, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Typist, Commercial Apprentice, and Station Master.