Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) has released the provisional answer key of the 2016 Junior Engineer and Deputy Architect exam. Registered candidates can check and download the answer keys from the official website upsssc.gov.in.

The UPSSSC JE and Deputy Architect exam was held on December 19 (Sunday) in Lucknow in two sessions. Candidates can raise objection(s), if any, to the provisional answer key at the link given on the official website by January 24.

Here’s UPSSSC JE answer key notice.


Steps to download UPSSSC JE asnwer key 2021:

  1. Visit the official website upsssc.gov.in
  2. On the homepage, click on the link answer key link under Notice section
  3. Click on the Paper 1 and 2 answer key link
  4. Check answer key
  5. To raise objection, login using Registration No, Date of Birth.

Here’s UPSSSC JE answer key Paper 1.

Here’s UPSSSC JE answer key Paper 2.