The Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) will soon released the first seat allotment result 2021 for undergraduate courses. Once released, eligible candidates will be able to check the allotment result on the official website The allotment result was scheduled to be released at 11.00 AM, therefore, applicants are advised to keep visiting the website at regular intervals.

Earlier, the allotment result was to be released on September 26, which was deferred.

Candidates will then be able to exercise choices from November 27 (4.00 PM) to November 30 (5.30 PM).


Earlier, KEA had released the KCET mock seat allotment result. The UGCET mock seat allotment result has been released to help students know the chances of getting admission into their preferred college and course.

KCET 2021 was conducted on August 28, 29 and 30 in two shifts for Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The result was announced on September 20.

Karnataka CET Exam is a state-level entrance exam organized for providing admissions in Engineering, Pharmacy, Pharma D and other professional courses offered by colleges and institutions located in the state.

For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.