In the wake of the news that Mother Teresa would be canonised, right wing organisations like the Rashtriya Swayamasevak Sangh and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad began saying that Teresa had done no charity and had instead led the conversion of the poor to Catholicism. On social media, users shared videos of Christopher Hitchens, a noted Mother Teresa critic, as evidence of this fact.

The RSS has also been in the news of late because of a defamation case against Rahul Gandhi for pointing out that the party had links with the killing of the Mahatma Gandhi. The one video of Hitchens's that the organisation did not share on social media goes back to 2011. In a conversation on freedom of speech with Congress politician Shashi Tharoor, Hitchens states that a group supporting the RSS organised Gandhi's killing.

“You mentioned earlier, I don’t know the case exactly, you said there was a group called the Hindu Human Rights Association, you underlines its name which gave it some privilege, which wants to prevent any untoward discussion or portrayal of Hindu culture. I can bet you now, we can investigate later, those people are supporters of RSS. I bet you they are extreme Hindu fascists, I'll bet you they are the people who organised the murder of the Mahatma.”

Here is the full video of the conversation. Hitchens begins speaking about the RSS at the one hour five minutes mark.