The British empire took the English language far and wide and today there are many versions of it – Hinglish, Spanglish, Singlish, Chinglish, among others. The video above takes us through the long history of the language from its Anglo Saxon roots to present day internet lingo. Divided into 10 chapters, the video starts with the Anglo Saxons (410 AD), goes on to the influence of the French, among several others, touches upon Shakespeare and ends with present day versions of Global English.

The video below explains how several English words that sound related have completely different historical origins. Their similarities are accidental. The first example quoted is of male and female, and how the former originates from the Latin word "masculus" and the latter from the French "femelle".

Below is a hilarious clip from the film Phas Gaye Re Obama, featuring an English-learning centre in India.