Kluet, a Sumatran orangutan at Australia's Adelaide Zoo, might have just become the first animal to have composed a jazz tune. Titled Give Me A Clue, Kluet's original composition was created using apps on an iPhone.

Keeper Pij Olijnyk attempted to describe the tune, "There are certainly nods to a couple of classic jazz songs in there. I can hear a bit of the Pink Panther theme and I think there's a bit of The Way You Look Tonight as well."

Orangutans, who share 97 per cent of human DNA, are said to be incredibly intelligent. As a result, Olijnyk found it difficult to keep Kluet engaged. "I let him rip on the piano, and he just came up with some amazing skills," he added.


The single was released on August 19 to mark World Orangutan Day and to draw attention to the fact that these creatures are critically endangered. He says in the video above,"Sumatran orangutans like Kluet are critically endangered. There's somewhere between 4,000 to 7,000 left in the wild and we're probably losing about 1,000 a year at the moment due to habitat loss in particular."

Here's a sample of the track.

Adelaide Zoo's YouTube channel hosts tonnes of footage about the wonders of the animal world.


Here's one of their most popular videos, featuring Chook, a male lyrebird that can imitate sounds made by machines used for building construction. At one point, he can be heard saying, "How you doin'?" and "Great job, Stewart".

Here's more information about Chook. He's doing it to get mates and drive away other males.

In another popular video, they've managed to capture a spotted hyena giving birth.

And here's real life Simba. A newborn lion cub before it becomes the ferocious king of the jungle.