It might be the most brutal car accident ever caught on camera. It might also be the greatest miracle ever caught on camera. Because the horrific car crash in the video above has claimed no lives yet.

A car with a couple in it was crushed by a cement tanker on Monday in Ningbo city in southern China. The footage reveals that the tanker lost control and rolled over the car. While two bikers in the video can be seen driving away, CCTV (China's local news agency) said that the woman was pulled out of the car by passersby before firefighters arrived on the scene.


A forklift and hydraulic tools were required to remove the man from the wreckage. Both of them were later taken to a hospital where the women underwent surgery while the man is said to be critically injured.

According to WHO, around 200,000 deaths occur every year in China owing to road accidents, which are the leading cause of death for persons between 15 and 44.