Students, single people, and those who generally cannot cook have one dish to rule them all. It goes by different brand names: Maggi, Koka, Top Ramen, <insert preferred brand here>. Instant noodles, which began production in the 1950s, save time, feed many a hungry soul, and despite reports that they might not be good for health, are loved around the world.

Here's Chikin Ramen, the instant noodle company, that started the whole thing. It is celebrating its 58th anniversary by celebrating all the life that came before and after it. How? By putting every pop culture "buzz point" – drones, the samurai, football, sumo, zombies and even a special appearance by a cat – in a three-minute video.


The result? An advertisement titled Instant Buzz – Samurai Drone Cat Idol Superhuman Rube Goldberg Viewer Warning Too Explosive High School Girl.

Nissin takes its instant noodle advertising pretty seriously. Earlier, they made an animated samurai action video set to rap music to talk about the origins of their brand of instant noodles.